Chapter 64

Nitya was 6 months pregnant, and to say she didn’t want to lift even a finger wouldn’t be wrong. Her business is maintained by Rajveer and Darsh, as they left Yaduvanshi’s business completely and decided to help Nitya till she is able to give her 100% to her company again. They didn’t want her to be stressed about anything, and neither did they want their sons to be stressed with overwork. While NGO was being handled by Rashmi, Anika, and Nalini.

Even now, Nitya was sitting with Rajveer and Darsh in Rajveer’s home office looking at the sales report.

“Niti, what’s this extra amount added here?” Darsh asked, showing Nitya some mistakes in the record as she looked at the file, marking it with highlighter.

“Papa, I am hungry.” She said putting the file away.

“I will ask chefs to make something.” Rajveer said, taking his phone.

“Should we make something?” Nitya asked excitedly, clapping her hands.

Rajveer and Darsh looked at each other and then at her, "Beta, you can’t cook, and when we cook, the kitchen is at risk of catching fire.” Rajveer said.

“And we might take a risk if it didn’t involve you. Seeing your condition, we would have to compromise and eat whatever chefs make.” Darsh finished as Nitya pouted, looking down.

“No no no!!!! Don’t make this face.” Rajveer said as he looked at her sad face.

“I just……….” She said but stopped and looked at them both with moist eyes.

Rajveer and Darsh looked at each other and then at her, "Fine, but you won’t come in the kitchen." They put the condition.

“What’s fun in this?” She pouted.

“Fun is that you can play with Shaurya and Aadhya till we make Maggie because this is the only thing we learned to make.”

“But they must be asleep, look at the time.” She said, looking at the clock showing 2 in the afternoon.

“Let’s do one thing. How about you two search for a better movie, and till then I will make Maggie?” Darsh suggested.

“How will you make it alone?” Rajveer and Nitya asked instantly.

“I will ask for Chef’s help. But don’t worry, I won’t let them touch it.” Darsh said saluting them and ran before they could oppose.

Rajveer looked at Nitya, who was already looking at him.

“South movies”

“Korean drama”

They both said together, and their bantering started like usual about what they were going to watch.

While on the other side, Shivansh was in Aashrit’s office with Abhi sitting on the couch, massaging Shiv’s head, who had just woken from a nap.

“You have your own company now, Shivu. Why don’t you sleep there?” Aashrit said, throwing a water bottle at him.

Shiv rubbed his eyes after his 1-hour nap and looked at them both and said, “How strong you both are.” He admired them with a smile. “I would have never thought about that.”

Abhi and Aashrit both chuckled listening to him, and they knew what he must be going through these nights.

“So what you made last night?” Abhi asked opening the lunch box delivered from their home.

"Lasagna,” he said, taking a bite of the food, feeling fulfilled.

“Oh, you know you could have asked the chef to make it.”

“You know my wife loves food made by me only.” Shiv replied.

“You can deny sometimes if you are tired.” Aashrit ruffled his hair, trying to give some comfort to his little brother.

Shiv chuckled, looking at his brothers. “I love to cook for her. She smiles when I cook for her.” He chuckled as his ears went red thinking about the return gifts she gives.

"Hmm, their smile can make us do anything. It’s peace after the chaos we go through for the whole day.” Abhishek agreed with him.

"Exactly, their smile can make us do anything, even if it means going against the entire world.” Aashrit said, looking at the picture of his wife there on his desk, “And our babies, you will be ready to do even more once they will be in your arms." He said, patting Shiv’s shoulder.

“Bhai I feel fulfilled now. It’s like life has given me everything, and now I want nothing but to preserve them and spend up my entire life to keep that smile on their face. That woman is something; before her, I was always worried if I would be able to experience that selfless love, and look at me now, she loves me more than I could ever imagine.” He said as his eyes went moist, “You know, bhai, I won't be able to live if something ever happened to her. She has become the sole reason for me to live.” He smiled, “And trust me, I would make my child love her more than she could ever imagine.” He took a deep breath. “I just want to give her everything.” He gently smiled , leaning back on the sofa.

Aashrit and Abhi looked at each other and smiled, seeing their little one happy.

While Meera and Shreya were sitting with Nitya for the evening tea.

“How’s the little one treating you?” Meera said as Shaurya and Aadhya were playing around while Revansh was trying to follow them crawling around.

“This little one is treating me well, but not their father.” Nitya said, looking a bit sad, “I got so much craving, and always he had to make something. I feel bad, but I just can’t control my cravings.” She looked upset.

“This is just the start of his fatherhood Niti, let him experience it. And he is going to remember all this and smile some months later.” Shreya caressed her head.

"Yupp, trust me, he loves it. Fathers might not show it, but they are ready to lay their life for their children, and it’s just laying his sleep.”

“But my Shiv loves his sleep.”

“And he loves you more than his sleep.” Meera giggled.

And suddenly they heard the squeal of Revati, who was coming to them with two small cycles in her hand.

“Here comes the spoiled bua, ready to spoil her nephews and niece.” Nitya chuckled.

Shaurya and Aadhya ran to their bua, who had already put the cycles down, while a guard was coming with a small car. Revati was visiting the for some days and this morning while watching some kids videos, Shaurya and Aadhya saw children’s bikes and cried, asking for them, and here their bua was already bringing to them while Revansh was getting spoiled with his elder siblings.

“Come on fast. Let’s go on a ride with your bua.” Revati said sitting in that small car while putting Revansh beside her while Shaurya and Aadhya started following her with their small cycles.

7th month of pregnancy

Nitya was lying in bed only in his shirt, looking at her husband moving around the room shirtless, making her scrunch her nose.

“You know how much you turn me on like this and still you are roaming around me like this.” She said it out loud, looking at his naked upper body.

Shiv looked at her instantly and then at himself as he could just chuckle, “And you know how much I love you in my shirt. Still look at you.” He counter attacked her as she sat on the bed cross-legged.

"Yevandi,” she called him in the cutest way possible, and Shiv knew whenever she called him this word meant danger for him.

“Darling” He cried in a childish voice.

“My darling,” Nitya cried out too, and he just walked to her at a fast pace.

“Lick or finger?” He questioned sitting in front of her, not going any further as instructed by their doctor.

Nitya stood on her knee as she pushed him back, making his back touch the mattress. “Mouth but mine.” She said as her hand rested on his waistband.

“You sure?” he questioned once again, making sure about her comfort.

She nodded, taking off his sweatpants and looking into his eyes.

Shiv chuckled to see her struggling to bend due to her baby bump making her pout. He took her lips in for a kiss as he got down the bed, making her sit at the end of the bed carefully, and took off his boxers.

9 months of pregnancy

Nitya was in the bathroom brushing her teeth while her husband was checking the water in bathtub.

“Cherry pie, are you done with the brush?"

"Yupp.” She told him, wiping off the toothpaste stains from her mouth, and walked near him.

Shiv held her hand, helping her to enter the bathtub as she took off her robe.

“Do you need hairwash?” he asked, and she just nodded.

Sometime, whenever Nitya feels lazy, Shiv makes sure to pamper her, and it was one of those days. She woke up with the dream of Shiv ignoring her for his children, and now Shiv was making sure that she forget her dream and know that in reality he loves her the most.

"Shiv,” she said, feeling his hand in her hair and rubbing the shampoo.

"Hmm.” He hummed, focusing on the shampoo and making sure the foam didn’t enter her mouth or eyes.

“Revati is also pregnant. Would she be able to come on our child’s pooja?”

Shiv chuckled hearing her concerns, which were not actually concerns. “Aashrit bhai will handle that.” He said and nodded.

“But in our culture, the pooja is held after 21 days of a child's birth, and in yours it is held on the 6th day. What will we do?”

“We will do both.” He said washing off the shampoo.

“Would babies really don’t sleep the whole night?” She asks the same question she was asking for the past month.

“I will be with you the whole time.

“My husband is the world's best.” She told herself as Shiv wrapped her hair in a towel.

“Come on! Let’s get you washed up.” He said taking her out of the bathtub.

“Shiv.” She called him again. “I want to put henna. We will do it tonight.” She told him.

Shiv washed her up and also showered himself and then carried her to the closet, wrapping her in a bathrobe.

“Let’s wear a saree today.” He suggested her, and she just scrunched her nose.

“It shows so much of my fat on my belly.”

“And you know I love it. Our baby could feel fresh air.” He chuckled, making her giggle.

“How about your black shirt and grey sweatpants?” She suggested making Shiv chuckle and bring out the said clothes. She loves her clothes, and most of her pregnancy she wore his clothes.

He helped her into wearing clothes and later himself wore sweats.

“Shiv” She again called him while he was busy drying her hair.


“Last night, baby said that he would like to eat chole bhature.” She spoke in a childish voice.

“Tell baby that Chole Bhature will be served later. Your breakfast will have milk and ladoo made by Maa.”

And she pouted.

“But those ladoos are not tasty.” She pouted.

“But healthy.” He said, combing her hair.

She looked at him pouting until he was done.

“You also eat those same ladoos. Don’t you think we need change?” She questioned, putting her hand around his neck.

Shiv took her in his arms, walking out of the room. “No. You need so much strength. And also, it improve your digestion.”

“You are the most strict husband among all brothers of yours.” She scrunched her nose.

Shiv didn’t answer her as they already reached the dining hall. Rajveer pulled the chair as Shiv made Nitya sit there.

Shiv sat on his seat as their ladoo and milk were served. Nitya scrunched her nose at the ladoo and then looked at her husband and the others, but there was no one who would help her.

“Do you really think baby like this?” Nitya scrunched her nose as everyone’s eyes went to Shaurya, who was happily eating ladoo given by Shiv.

“If this 3-year-old is liking it, then I am sure the soon-to-be born must like it too.” Rashmi said sternly as Nitya took the ladoo.

“Shiv I will give you a kiss if you eat my share.” She whispered to her husband.

“And I will give you whatever you want if you eat it.”

“But……………………..” Her words trailed as she felt something leak down her leg, and she looked up at her husband as her hold tightened on his hand.

“Ahhh” She yelled, feeling a sudden contraction, as Shiv instantly looked at her, and everyone ran up to her.

Her breath got shallow as the contractions were hitting her. Shiv instantly held her in his arms and ran outside while Aashrit already brought out the car at the front door.

“Ahh shivvvvvvvvvv,” she shouted out loud, tears covering her face.

Shiv suddenly forgot everything, seeing tears in his wife’s eyes when Meera’s voice brought him back. “Rub her hands, Shivu.” She told him, "Niti, take deep breaths.” She suggested, but all of this seemed hard to do, and suddenly her screams stopped as she looked at her husband, worried.

"Why is it not hurting now?”

And seeing her silent suddenly made Shiv’s brain work again. “They will come back again.” He said, holding her hand. “It must have not lasted longer, but they will come back.” He decided to give a heads-up to his wife as Meera looked at Aashrit, impressed with Shiv.

“How do you know Shiv?” Meera asked with a genuine smile.

“I read…………….” And his words trailed with Nitya's scream as he started guiding her to breathe and saying sweet nothings in her ear, trying to calm her down, which was not possible for obvious reasons.

It didn’t take them long to reach the hospital, and Nitya was in labor while Shiv was standing beside her as requested by him to the doctor to be with his wife during the birth. As hard it was to see her in pain, he decided to be with her all the time.

Nitya was shouting in pain during the labor, holding his hand as tight as possible, while Shiv did nothing except talking to his wife, saying sweet nothings to her, calming her, and asking her to push when needed. And soon they heard the sound of a child.

“It’s a boy.” The doctor smiled, making the parents happy as the baby was taken by the nurse to clean.

Shiv instantly kissed Nitya on her forehead as her eyes closed with exhaustion.

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A microbiology student who is mad about fiction.