Chapter 20

Nitya and Kshitij were having lunch while Kshitij was telling Nitya how irritating her husband’s guard was.

“He seems cute to me.” Nitya said taking a bite of the pastry her husband made especially for her “He even smiles seeing me every morning.”

“Yeah yeah, you think everyone is cute whoever talks nice to you.” Kshitij rolled his eyes.

“But he is cute. Have you looked at him when Shivansh orders him in his manly voice with a rarely seen strict aura?” She said gushing over her husband.

“Seems like you find your husband more cute than the man we were talking about.” Kshitij chuckled.

“My husband is not cute.” Nitya dismissed his claim “ He is more than cute. He is intelligent, caring, empathetic, adoring, handsome, masculine, sexy………………” She said dreamingly.

“I never knew my wife thinks so highly of me.” Shivansh's voice was heard and Nitya instantly looked at the door seeing her husband standing there “At first I thought to knock, but thank god I didn’t knock, or else I wouldn’t be able to hear all this.” He chuckled walking inside as Kshitij left the cabin greeting him.

Nitya was standing there embarrassed at her situation. She looked anywhere but him with a red face.

“You…..you didn’t inform me.” She croaked out in a broken voice.

Shivansh chuckled seeing her “Would I get to see such a great scene if I called you beforehand.”

Nitya sat with a thud knowing well he was gonna rub her mistake on her face for the whole day. Well, not a mistake but the truth which she was not ready to accept.

“Anyways Mrs. Yaduvanshi, I am here because we need to visit our client’s land for the joint project.”

“Oh is it today? I forgot.” She said mentally slapping her forehead.

“You don’t need to  remember things as long as I am here.” He smiled and she did nothing but smile.

“Let’s go.” He asked and she nodded putting her hand in his.

 They both walked outside only to see Kshitij and Khanna glaring at each other and silently left the place leaving them alone with their catfights.

The car driver was silent until Shivansh decided to break the ice.

“Nitya, what do you like to do in your free time.”

“Umm, nothing much. Just practice my karate and sometimes I do classical dance.”

“Wow, you are quite talented.”

“Oh no, I am not.” Nitya disregarded her achievements and the praise she deserved.

“Yes, you are.” Shivansh said putting more pressure on the words “You are talented. Learn to accept it.” He said opening the dashboard and taking out a dark chocolate for her.

Nitya smiled instantly on seeing the dark chocolate “I love them.”

“I know.” He said as if he knew everything.

Nitya looks at him with furrowed brows “What else do you know?”

Shivansh looked at her smiling “Everything I need to know.” He chuckled.

Nitya went silent seeing his effort and guilt filled her and looked out of the window “Shiv”


“Am I a bad wife?”

Shivansh looked at her not understanding her question

On hearing his silence, she spoke again “I don’t know how to express myself, I always have been bad in it. I do want to give us a chance, this marriage a chance but it seems impossible to me. Every time I thought to take a step forward, the unclear future came in front of my eyes telling me that I might regret opening up.”

Shivansh didn’t know where it was coming from but one thing he knew was to not interrupt her when she was speaking her heart out.

“I don’t know what I would do the next moment, my mood swings always get the best of me. You might see me smile and the next moment I might lash at you. I never want to hurt you intentionally but my silence might hurt you.” She said looking out not being able to look at him.

Shivansh parked the car at the side of the road and put his hand over hers.

 “Nitya, I don’t know how life treated you for you to keep so much to yourself. But trust me you will never regret giving me a chance. I am not promising that every day would be a bed of roses because that’s not how life works but trust me I would always be the first one to support you when you need me, to lighten your mood when you feel sad. I am ready to wait if you still need time but when your heart starts trusting me without any ounce of doubt, that day I will think that finally, I succeeded.” He said tracing her cheek.

Nitya couldn’t control her emotions as she hugged him “I don’t know Shivansh. I don’t know how I would do it. I am scared to fall for you. I  am scared to get hurt again. I am scared to break my heart. With so much strength I made all these boundaries around me, and you are breaking them. If you entered those boundaries, I would never be able to build them. Shiv if I fell for you then I’d die without you.”

“You will never be betrayed by me. Never. Not even in dreams.” Shivansh put his hands on her cheeks as his fingers were reaching her hair “And if anyone tried to betray you then they’d face the worst of me no one ever did.”

“I get clingy shiv” She pouted.

“I would love a clingy wife who made me realize that I am desired .”

Nitya went silent as she hugged him while he caressed her back. She didn’t leave his arms even after minutes and Shivansh got relaxed leaning his seat back and taking her over him on his seat. Nitya looked up at him and he asked her to relax. He caressed her cheek hiding her face in his chest. And for the first time, her hands rested calmly on his back without any tension. It was as if it’s their first hug truly.

They both were relaxed in each other’s arms when Shivansh's phone rang. Nitya looked up from his chest when Shivansh caressed her hair, attending the call.

“Hello, Mr.Kadyan, I got stuck in something important. If you don’t mind can we visit tomorrow?” Shivansh said looking at his wife.

Nitya remembered about the work they were going for and she tried to stop him but he asked her to be silent.

Once the call was cut, Nitya spoke

“We could have gone.” She said  

“We don’t need to.” He said laying his head back on the car seat.

Nitya tried to get off his lap but he held her tight from the waist “Please stay like this. It’s so comforting and calming.”

Nitya's face went red realising their position as she felt shy suddenly “We are in the middle of road Shiv.” She told him who seemed to forget that.

Shiv opened his eyes to look at the red face of his wife still not leaving her waist. He tightened his hold on her waist as his one hand caressed her cheek “Can I hug you whenever I want?”

She nodded hearing him as he left her waist. Nitya got back on her seat with his help while he was still lying on his seat in his trance when he felt her hand on his.

“Let’s go.” She asked.

He sat back in his seat and looked at her. His one hand went to her hair pulling her face towards him.

“Can I kiss you?” He said looking into her eyes and saw her eyes going wide.

He chuckled “On your forehead.”

And her eyes closed agreeing with his demand.

His lips met her forehead and lingered there for more than a second.

“You are most precious to me.” He said joining their forehead.

Nitya moved her lips to his cheek kissing him as his eyes closed in satisfaction “You are most important to me.”

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A microbiology student who is mad about fiction.