Chapter 2

  Nitya was in her room wearing a purple and blue half saree as Chaitra was setting her dupatta over her shoulder. Nervousness was oozing through her heart as Chaitra safely pinned the dupatta.

“You are looking so beautiful, thalli,” Chaitra said putting a kala tika behind her ear but Nitya had no smile on her face.

Chaitra held Nitya’s hand in hers and made her look up “If you will deny it after meeting the boy, then I’ll talk to your brother.” Chaitra said not liking whatever was happening with Nitya.

Nitya looked up at her and took a deep breath to calm herself down “They would never listen. They are getting too much success from this.” She said.

Chaitra knew whatever Nitya was saying was true and she just hugged her. Nitya couldn’t wrap her arms around her and just sat still “I am sorry Niti.” Chaitra said.

Their talks were disturbed as there was a knock on the door. Chaitra opened the door and saw Rahul standing there with a lady beside him wearing a beautiful pink saree whom she remembered as Nitya’s best friend. Nitya always kept a picture of her, Shreya, and Abhi in her room. Once when Chaitra asked her about them, Nitya told her with a smile how much of a great friendship they had.

“Vadina, she is the sister-in-law of Bavagaru,” Rahul said making Chaitra confused. (Bavagaru- Brother-in-law)

Till now, Chaitra didn’t know that the house where Nitya’s alliance was fixed was the same house where her best friend was married too and she was quite shocked. Chaitra looked back at Nitya who finally had a smile of relief on her face and they left both of them alone.

“Wow Niti, you are looking so pretty,” Shreya said entering the room and curling her fist to take evil eyes.

Nitya took a deep breath and pouted “ I am nervous.”

Shreya took her in a hug and Nitya tried to relax.

“I am sorry. You are in this situation because of me.” Shreya said guilty of her situation.

(Note: For those who haven’t read the other 2 books of the Yaduvanshi series. Shreya, Abhi, and Nitya were best friends but they were apart from each other for 2 years and in that gap, many things happened. Shreya was kidnapped and later she was found but to save her family, they had to take Nitya’s brother Drishith's help. And he put the condition to make Nitya marry the youngest yaduvasnhi and that’s how their alliance was fixed.)

Nitya leaned back and shook her head “It's not your fault Shru. It’s my destiny. Love has no place in my life.” Nitya said with a sad look on her face.

Shreya felt sad for her “Shivansh is a better man.”

“But would he love me? After all, he was forced to.” She said looking at Shreya who had no answer to her question. “But at least I would have you and Abhi in that house.” She smiled not wanting to upset Shreya.

Shreya nodded and took her hand in hers “Let’s go.”

Nitya looked at her and nodded as they both moved outside.

“Would he like me?” Nitya said as they both moved downstairs.

Shreya knew where her misunderstanding coming from.

“Am I his second choice? Do you think he would find someone beautiful and leave me? Shru, does he hate me because of this weird condition of my brother? “

Shreya didn’t say anything and just held her hand tightly as they reached downstairs.

Nitya looked up to see the whole Yaduvanshi family sitting there and looking at her. She only met Meera and Aashrit’s eyes and didn’t dare to look up after that due to her nervousness.

She wanted to look at Shivansh’s expression but her heart didn’t allow her to do so. After meeting his family during her best friend’s wedding, she had a tiny bit of hope somewhere in her heart that this family will accept her wholeheartedly but her mind was playing with her.

“Sit with me, Niti.” Rashmi Yaduvanshi said wanting to sit next to her to be daughter-in-law.

Niti nodded and walked to her and sat beside her.

“We are glad to have alliance with a family like you.” Nitya’s father Aravind said making Nitya clutch her fist tightly.

“And we are glad to have a strong lady like Nitya to be our younger one’s wife,” Aashrit said with a cold tone making Aravind fumble a bit.

“Please have some snacks,” Drishith said intervening between them.

“I never knew you could be so shy,” Revati whispered in Nitya’s ear from her side.

Nitya looked at Revati and pouted “I am nervous.” She whispered.

Nitya and Revati developed a great bond during Shreya and Abhi’s wedding. And since then they both were exploring their friendship.

“Don’t reject my stupid brother, please. I know you deserve much better but please I want a badass Bhabhi. Although I already have 2 sweet and cute bhabhis but I need at least someone with the same crackness as me.” Revati whispered to Nitya making her giggle slowly.

Shivansh was sitting in front of her and was noticing her during this whole time. He has seen her many times but today it was different. Today she got ready for him and it was enough to make his heart flutter. Till now he was just her fanboy but now he was going to be her husband. And for sure he was ready to do everything to make sure she accepted him.

“We should let them both talk,” Chaitra said wanting to let her sister-in-law have at least a little say in this relationship.

“Yeah, of course, they should,” Rajveer spoke.

“Nitya, why don’t you show him your room,” Drishith said and Nitya stood up without even looking at anyone.

Shivansh stood after her as Aashrit told him to be a little sensible and he just nodded.

Soon, they were in her room and Shivansh looked around. Her room was something out of his expectation. He expected her to have a room with a black interior seeing her aura in the news and also after meeting her but instead, her room was pastel in color giving a soft vibe. It was as if she had a harsh appearance because she wanted to preserve her precious heart.

“Your room is beautiful.” He said

And Nitya just smiled.

Shivansh settled on a chair nearby while Nitya sat at the edge of the bed. She went silent not knowing what to say or how to start a conversation and stayed silent until a question came from him.

“Are you forced?” He asked directly not beating around the bush.

Nitya looked up at his straightforward question “No” She said and Shivansh nodded.

“It’s just that I never saw you so silent.”

Nitya made a face of realization “It’s just nervousness.” She said followed up by the question “Are you forced?”

“No way.” Shivansh instantly answered.

Nitya nodded and again they went silent until Nitya spoke again.

“I got to know about the condition we are marrying. I knew you did it to save your brother and sister-in-law. Even if you say no to this relationship now, then I wouldn’t even mind.” Nitya said wanting to not bind him in an unwanted relationship.

“I would never.” He replied looking intently at her.

Nitya looked up shocked and he understood her unsaid question “I know Nitya, you must be thinking why I agreed to an arranged marriage. Then, let me tell you the truth, I always wanted to marry someone I love because I have many expectations from a pure relationship like marriage but then my brother asked me to marry you.” He said and looked at Nitya who had no expression on her face “At first I was angry at your family but then I looked at you and my anger vanished” his words made Nitya confused “It was your beauty, your intellect or what but it attracted me.”

Nitya felt her cheeks heating up hearing him as that was the last thing she expected him to say

“And now I don’t think I would be able to look at someone the same way I look at you.” He said making Nitya’s eyes wide while making her confused about his words “Leave about me, tell me what you expect from your partner Miss, Raghavendra.”

Nitya was nervous at first but listening to him, she got a weird courage in her “ I want a better relationship without any chaotic drama.”

“That’s all?”

“I am an introvert so I sometimes prefer silence, also sometimes I talk too much, I want someone to understand me but also I don’t feel like saying my feelings out loud. I get too many mood swings. Do you think it’s too much?” She asked worried only to see a smile on his face.

“That’s all?” He said with a chuckle.

Nitya was about to nod when she remembered something “Umm I know it’s early but I always wanted to say one thing to my husband that I would be okay if someday he is not a good husband but I always want him to be a good father.” She said remembering the love she missed all her life and wanted to get that fulfilled in form of her children.

“I will try to be the best father but trust me I would be a much better husband.” Shivansh said with a smile and a blush appeared on Nitya’s cheeks “And although I like this shy Nitya but I love that strong  businesswoman Nitya .” He said making Nitya's cheek red.

“We should go downstairs,” Nitya said not wanting to embarrass herself in front of him when Shivansh called her making her stop.

“Please say yes to this relation Nitya. If you need time, then I understand that also but please give me a chance. I know it’s early but I promise you will never regret it. I will give my best.” He said and left while Nitya stood there shocked.

Although her father didn’t give her the right to say no to this relationship seeing the slightest effort from him was enough to make her heart calm and she knew what she had to say.

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A microbiology student who is mad about fiction.