Chapter 2

Ray of sunlight entered the room through the sheer white curtain as the young boy turned in his sleep to sleep some more.

Suddenly, a loud sound of something falling echoed in the room followed by the voice of a scream.

“Aahhh” Vivaan screamed as he fall on the floor with his hand holding his back.

“What a great morning Mr. Vivaan Singhania.” He said as he stood up from the floor and looked at the sun shining bright in sky.

He threw the blanket on the bed and went to bathroom. As he stood in front of the mirror, he smiled.

“Such a handsome boy you are. I don’t know why people can’t see it.” He saiad taking his toothbrush spreading some paste over it.

“Viv hurry up, else you’ll be late.” He head his mother shouting from downstairs.

And he huffed “It’s not like I want to go there.” He said as he put back the toothbrush.

His hand went to the door and he locked it,  getting ready for THE SCHOOL.

Elena Greco Singhania, was setting the table for breakfast while her husband Rajveer Singhania was disturbing her.

“You Mr. Singhania better sit down there and stop touching me here and there. Our child might come any time.” She said pointing a knife at him.


“I am going to slap that same butt of yours.” Elena said moving towards the kitchen.

“Getting kinky, are we?” Rajveer said walking behind her.

“Oh God you and your these…….” Elena’s words stopped as she heard the pitter patter of shoes.

Vivaan entered the kitchen and saw his parents preparing breakfast for him.

“Sit there viv, I am bringing breakfast.” Raj said as Vivaan settled on the breakfast table.

Elena put Vivaan’s lunch in his bag as Raj brought the breakfast to table.

Later, Rajveer and Elena dropped Vivaan to his school and left waving a bye to him.

Vivaan took a deep breath as he put his foot inside the school. And a fake smile covered his face. He walked towards his locker only to find that same hazel eyed boys standing there near his locker standing with his friends. Everyone knew him, The Leo Romano, the son of the owner of this school and many other entities in America, his father was the richest man of America, and now it’s his elder brother. There were rumors of them being involved in many illegal activities but they were just rumors without any facts.

 He looked at leo in white inner with a biker black jacket and black jeans while his one hand was wrapped around the shoulder of a girl in a tank top and short skirt.

Vivaan took a deep breath and walked towards his locker. As he reached there, he saw them standing in front of his locker with Nial leaning on his locker.

Vivaan wanted to avoid any unwanted interaction with them but he didn’t have any option. His books were in the locker and he can’t leave without them.

“Excuse me!” Vivaan called Nial.

And the whole group turned towards him. Vivaan’s eyes met Leo’s and he instantly averted his eyes.

“yes?” Sam , one of his other friend asked with a smirk.

“This is my locker.” He said stuttering a little and Nial looked at him only to be pulled to the side by Leo.

Vivaan took his bag hurriedly and left the scene without even looking back.

As he reached his class he put his bag down and took a deep breath “Almost escaped death.” He mumbled to himself.

“A girl with Romanos”

“But who is she?”

“Romano never hugged a girl like that? ”

“The rumor about their long lost sister might be true.”

He heard the rumors but ignored them like usual as it does nothing good for him neither bad.

While on the other side Leo was getting anxious.

He looked at Noah and again said “We should atleast check upon sorellina.”

Noah looked at him with side eyes “Leo it has been just 30 minutes, and Ethan is with her.”

“Ethan is also a child.” He retaliate.

“I can’t argue with you. And you better don’t act like a overbearing brother for my Alessa.” He said giving him a stern look making him sit back.

“But…….”  Leo tried to say but got shut up by Noah.

Leo lay his head on the bench behind him and closed his eyes remembering the past month. He remembered how Alessa entered their life.

In starting, he totally ignored her not because he ahted her or didn’t like her but his fear of getting abandoned again. He knew it well that Alessa was not at all in fault but his fear was getting best of him. And he decided to abandon her before she could do that. But once he got to know what his sister went thtrough all these years, he decided to put his insecurities aside and give his sister the love she deserves.

 He stood up from his seat only to be pulled back by Noah.

While Vivaan was having a great time bonding with Alessa. At first when he talked with Alessa, he didn’t know about her but later on he got to know she I nothing like her brothers. At first he thought to maintain a distance with her but then he remembers loneliness in his life and decided to fight with his fear and embrace this new friendship.

“iWill your friends like me?” Alessa asked him.

Vivaan heard her question and couldn’t stop himself from chuckling.

“Friends? Babe I don’t even have a single friend.”

Alessa’s eyes went wide “But you are so funny and intelligent also, then why?” She asked shocked with this new revelation.

Vivaan shrugged his shoulder “Maybe they don’t want to irk someone.” He stold her

“Irk who?” She aksed.

And before he could answer, the bell rang indicating the end of period.

Alessa stood up and forwarded her hand to Vivaan. Vivaan smiled and took her hand in his. They shook hands with a wide smile.

“I am hoping to be good friends with you, Viv but I’ll have to take permission from my brothers.” She said and sprinted out of the class leaving behind a smiley Vivaan.

“I hope your brothers allow you so I don’t have to spend my school life alone.” He said with a huff and collected his book to go to his other class.

Vivaan entered in his next class only to see his bully Kole with his friends Samanth, Peter , Bruce, Amy.

Kole and Amy were in relationship while Samantha, Peter and Bruce were in situationship. They have been Vivaan’s bully since he joined school two years ago. Kole’s father was the board member which gave him the privilege over the other kids. They used o bully Vivaan for no reason.

It all started when Vivaan collided with Kole on the firt day and spilled his food over him, making Kole angry and he made it his mission to destroy his school life. And later on he started to enjoy troubling him. He also made sure that no one befriend him and if someone did he would either warn them or started bullying them also leading to Vivaan being a loner.

“Look who we have here!!” kole said loudly as Vivaan entered.

Vivaan shut his eyes close on gaining the attention of the whole class.

“so…….. My assignment?” Kole asked.

Vivaan took a deep breath and brought out the assignment from his abg which he completed after waking up whole night.

But soon enough, he found the paper flying on his face.

“You bastard, What is this dirty handwriting?” He said getting angry and walked towards him to caught his collars.

But before he could reach Vivaan, the teacher entered the room amking everyone run back to their seats leaving Vivaan thank God.

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A microbiology student who is mad about fiction.